Karma Release And Healing

Have you ever wondered why, despite all your work on yourself, things still are not working the way you want them to?

You may be suffering the effects of Karma blocking you from having the life you desire, and it may be multi-generational Karma that you need to heal before you can experience all the love, health, happiness, and Success that is your birthright.

If you want to:

· Get an accurate understanding of Karma and its impact on your life

· Know how and why it has such a massive impact on your life

· Dissolve any unwanted destructive thoughts, behaviors, and patterns in your life

Then this two-day event is perfect for you.

What makes this weekend event different from an ordinary teaching weekend or course?

· With a union of Science and Spirituality  can change your life on a weekend

· This weekend is power-packed with Shaktipat healing (spiritual transmission) by Siddh Himalayan Yogi for fast and immediate results.

· The Siddh Yogis and Masters say that 97% of your Success and failure result from your KARMA stored as subconscious seeds.

You will learn:

· What are the negative karmas that impact your life, and how to eliminate them

· How to fill the void with powerful healing energies

If you have:

· Health issues that persist even though you have been trying to heal

· Negative life experiences piling over you – you just can’t catch a break!

· Strained or non-existent relationships with family, friends or colleagues

· Addictions or other harmful ways you use to cope with failure

You will leave the weekend:

· Empowered to Attract Success and wealth in career or business

· Open and attractive to positive personal relationships

· Free from negative emotions and self-destructive thinking

· Energised and ready to live a healthful life

The weekend overview:

· Day one is about demystifying Karma, how we incur it on a personal soul level & accumulate it throughout many lifetimes.

· Day two delves into ancestral Karma, how & why we inherit Karma from our ancestors & how it affects us in day-to-day life.

· Releasing of Karma & deep Healing occurs through the Grace of the Master.

· The Workshop involves being guided into short Meditative sessions and experiencing the healing Energy.

· You are encouraged to ask your questions and seek guidance.

· Karma clearing occurs through Shaktipat and Healing given by the Realised Master.

· Best not to expect anything; come as an empty vessel and fill yourself with blessings. Expectation creates anticipation, which can be a barrier to receiving Grace.

· Come with an open mind and a desire to receive the profound experiences you will have during these two days.